Timetable App

The timetable app is the core application that has been a part of Semester.ly since our very first release. The timetable app does the heavy lifting for timetable generation, sharing, and viewing.


class timetable.models.Course(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Represents a course at a school, made unique by its course code. Courses persist across semesters and years. Their presence in a semester or year is indicated by the existence of sections assigned to that course for that semester or year. This is why a course does not have fields like professor, those varies.

The course model maintains only attributes which tend not to vary across semesters or years.

A course has many Section which a student can enroll in.


CharField – the school code corresponding to the school for the course


CharField – the course code without indication of section (E.g. EN.600.100)


CharField – the general name of the course (E.g. Calculus I)


TextField – the explanation of the content of the courzse


TextField, optional – usually notes pertaining to registration (e.g. Lab Fees)


TextField, optional – similar to notes


TextField – automatically generated description without stopwords


CharField, optional – an indicator for which campus the course is taught on


TextField, optional – courses required before taking this course


TextField, optional – courses required concurrently with this course


TextField, optional – reasons why a student would not be able to take this


FloatField – the number of credit hours this course is worth


CharField – comma seperated list of all degree areas this course satisfies


CharField – department offering course (e.g. Computer Science)


CharField – indicator of level of course (e.g. 100, 200, Upper, Lower, Grad)


CharField – core areas satisfied by this course


CharField – geneds satisfied by this course


ManyToManyField of Course, optional – courses computed similar to this course


ForeignKey – If this course is the same as another course, provide Foreign key


PickleObjectField – the vector representation of a course transformed from course vectorizer


Calculates the avg rating for a course, -1 if no ratings. Includes all courses that are marked as the same by the self.same_as field on the model nstance.

Returns:the average course rating
Return type:(float)

Return a list of dicts for each type of reaction (by title) for this course. Each dict has:

title: the title of the reaction

count: number of reactions with this title that this course has received

reacted: True if the student provided has given a reaction with this title

class timetable.models.CourseIntegration(id, course, integration, json)[source]
class timetable.models.Evaluation(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A review of a course represented as a score out of 5, a summary/comment, along with the professor and year the review is in subject of.

course (ForeignKey to Course):
the course this evaluation belongs to

score (FloatField): score out of 5.0 summary (TextField): text with information about why the rating was given professor (CharField): the professor(s) this review pertains to year (CharField): the year of the review course_code (Charfield): a string of the course code, along with section indicator

class timetable.models.Integration(id, name)[source]
class timetable.models.Offering(*args, **kwargs)[source]

An Offering is the most granular part of the Course heirarchy. An offering may be looked at as the backend equivalent of a single slot on a timetable. For each day/time which a section meets, an offering is created.abs


ForeignKey to Section – the section which is the parent of this offering


CharField – the day the course is offered (single character M,T,W,R,F,S,U)


CharField – the time the slot starts in 24hrs time in the format (HH:MM) or (H:MM)


CharField – the time it ends in 24hrs time in the format (HH:MM) or (H:MM)


CharField, optional – the location the course takes place, defaulting to TBA if not provided

class timetable.models.Section(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Represents one (of possibly many) choice(s) for a student to enroll in a Course for a specific semester. Since this model is specific to a semester, it contains enrollment data, instructor information, textbooks, etc.

A section can come in different forms. For example, a lecture which is required for every student. However, it can also be a tutorial or practical. During timetable generation we allow a user to select one of each, and we can automatically choose the best combonation for a user as well.

A section has many offerings related to it. For example, section 1 of a Course could have 3 offerings (one that meets each day: Monday, Wednesday, Friday). Section 2 of a Course could have 3 other offerings (one that meets each: Tuesday, Thursday).


Course – The course this section belongs to


CharField – the name of the section (e.g. 001, L01, LAB2)


IntegerField – the capacity of the course (the enrollment cap)


IntegerField – the number of students registered so far


IntegerField – the number of students waitlisted so far


IntegerField – the max size of the waitlist


CharField – the section type, example ‘L’ is lecture, ‘T’ is tutorial, P is practical


CharField – comma seperated list of instructors


ForeignKey to Semester – the semester for the section


ManyToManyField of Textbook – textbooks for this section via the TextbookLink model


BooleanField – whether the course was full during the last parse


Returns the textbook info using tb.get_info() for each textbook

class timetable.models.Semester(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Represents a semester which is composed of a name (e.g. Spring, Fall) and a year (e.g. 2017).


CharField – the name (e.g. Spring, Fall)


CharField – the year (e.g. 2017, 2018)

class timetable.models.Textbook(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A textbook which is associated with sections of courses. Stores information from the Amazon product API including a detail url and ISBN.


BigIntegerField – the primary (unique) key ISBN number


URLField – url to the detail page on Amazon.com


URLField – url to product image hosted on Amazon.com


CharField – authors first and last name


CharField – the title of the book

This model serves as a ManyToMany link betwen a Section anda textbook. The reason for this additional model is because the edge that connects a Section has a label which is whether that textbook is required. Thus, a seperate model/table exists to link the two with this label.abs


ForeignKey to Textbook – the textbook


BooleanField – whether or not the textbook is required


Section – the section the textbook is linked to


class timetable.views.TimetableLinkView(**kwargs)[source]

A subclass of FeatureFlowView (see Flows Documentation) for the viewing of shared timetable links. Provides the logic for preloading the shared timetable into initData when a user hits the corresponding url. The frontend can then act on this data to load the shared timetable for viewing.

Additionally, on POST provides the functionality for the creation of shared timetables.

get_feature_flow(request, slug)[source]

Overrides FeatureFlowView get_feature_flow method. Takes the slug, decrypts the hashed database id, and either retrieves the corresponding timetable or hits a 404.


Creates a SharedTimetable and returns the hashed database id as the slug for the url which students then share and access.

class timetable.views.TimetableView(**kwargs)[source]

This view is responsible for responding to any requests dealing with the generation of timetables and the satisfaction of constraits provided by the frontend/user.


Generate best timetables given the user’s selected courses



class timetable.utils.DisplayTimetable(slots, has_conflict, name='', events=None, id=None)[source]

Object that represents the frontend’s interpretation of a timetable.

classmethod from_model(timetable)[source]

Create DisplayTimetable from Timetable instance.

class timetable.utils.Slot(course, section, offerings, is_optional, is_locked)

Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 4


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1

class timetable.utils.Timetable(courses, sections, has_conflict)

Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1

timetable.utils.add_meeting_and_check_conflict(day_to_usage, new_meeting, school)[source]

Takes a @day_to_usage dictionary and a @new_meeting section and returns a tuple of the updated day_to_usage dict and a boolean which is True if conflict, False otherwise.

timetable.utils.courses_to_slots(courses, locked_sections, semester, optional_course_ids)[source]

Return a list of lists of Slots. Each Slot sublist represents the list of possibilities for a given course and section type, i.e. a valid timetable consists of any one slot from each sublist.

timetable.utils.find_slots_to_fill(start, end, school)[source]

Take a @start and @end time in the format found in the coursefinder (e.g. 9:00, 16:30), and return the indices of the slots in thet array which represents times from 8:00am to 10pm that would be filled by the given @start and @end. For example, for uoft input: ‘10:30’, ‘13:00’ output: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]


List of semesters ordered by academic temporality.

For a given school, get the possible semesters ordered by the most recent year for each semester that has course data, and return a list of (semester name, year) pairs.

timetable.utils.get_day_to_usage(custom_events, school)[source]

Initialize day_to_usage dictionary, which has custom events blocked out.


Get hour as an int from time as a string.


Return tuple of two integers representing the hour and the time given a string representation of time. e.g. ‘14:20’ -> (14, 20)


Get minute as an int from time as a string.

timetable.utils.get_time_index(hours, minutes, school)[source]

Take number of hours and minutes, and return the corresponding time slot index


Takes a list of lists and returns two lists of indicies needed to iterate through the cross product of the input.

timetable.utils.slots_to_timetables(slots, school, custom_events, with_conflicts)[source]

Generate timetables in a depth-first manner based on a list of slots.

timetable.utils.update_locked_sections(locked_sections, cid, locked_section, semester)[source]

Take cid of new course, and locked section for that course and toggle its locked status (ie if was locked, unlock and vice versa.