Source code for timetable.utils

# Copyright (C) 2017 Technologies, LLC
# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

import itertools
from collections import namedtuple

from courses.utils import get_sections_by_section_type
from timetable.models import Section, Semester
from timetable.school_mappers import SCHOOLS_MAP
from timetable.scoring import get_tt_cost, get_num_days, get_avg_day_length, get_num_friends, \
from student.models import PersonalTimetable

MAX_RETURN = 60  # Max number of timetables we want to consider

Slot = namedtuple('Slot', 'course section offerings is_optional is_locked')
Timetable = namedtuple('Timetable', 'courses sections has_conflict')

[docs]class DisplayTimetable: """ Object that represents the frontend's interpretation of a timetable. """ def __init__(self, slots, has_conflict, name='', events=None, id=None): self.slots = slots self.has_conflict = has_conflict = name self.avg_rating = get_avg_rating(slots) = events or [] = id @classmethod
[docs] def from_model(cls, timetable): """ Create DisplayTimetable from Timetable instance. """ slots = [Slot(section.course, section, section.offering_set.all(), is_optional=False, is_locked=True) for section in timetable.sections.all()] id = if isinstance(timetable, PersonalTimetable) else None return DisplayTimetable(slots, timetable.has_conflict, getattr(timetable, 'name', ''), getattr(timetable, 'events', []), id)
def courses_to_timetables(courses, locked_sections, semester, sort_metrics, school, custom_events, with_conflicts, optional_course_ids): all_offerings = courses_to_slots(courses, locked_sections, semester, optional_course_ids) timetable_gen = slots_to_timetables(all_offerings, school, custom_events, with_conflicts) timetables = itertools.islice(timetable_gen, MAX_RETURN) return sorted(timetables, key=lambda tt: get_tt_cost(tt, sort_metrics))
[docs]def courses_to_slots(courses, locked_sections, semester, optional_course_ids): """ Return a list of lists of Slots. Each Slot sublist represents the list of possibilities for a given course and section type, i.e. a valid timetable consists of any one slot from each sublist. """ slots = [] optional_course_ids = set(optional_course_ids) for course in courses: is_optional = in optional_course_ids grouped = get_sections_by_section_type(course, semester) for section_type, sections in grouped.iteritems(): locked_section_code = locked_sections.get(str(, {}).get(section_type) section_codes = [section.meeting_section for section in sections] if locked_section_code in section_codes: locked_section = next(s for s in sections if s.meeting_section == locked_section_code) locked_slot = Slot(course, locked_section, locked_section.offering_set.all(), is_optional=is_optional, is_locked=True) slots.append([locked_slot]) else: possibilities = [Slot(course, section, section.offering_set.all(), is_optional=is_optional, is_locked=False) for section in sections] slots.append(possibilities) return slots
[docs]def slots_to_timetables(slots, school, custom_events, with_conflicts): """ Generate timetables in a depth-first manner based on a list of slots. """ num_offerings, num_permutations_remaining = get_xproduct_indicies(slots) total_num_permutations = num_permutations_remaining.pop(0) for p in xrange(total_num_permutations): # for each possible tt current_tt = [] day_to_usage = get_day_to_usage(custom_events, school) num_conflicts = 0 add_tt = True for i in xrange(len(slots)): # add an offering for the next section j = (p / num_permutations_remaining[i]) % num_offerings[i] num_added_conflicts = add_meeting_and_check_conflict(day_to_usage, slots[i][j], school) num_conflicts += num_added_conflicts if num_conflicts and not with_conflicts: add_tt = False break current_tt.append(slots[i][j]) if add_tt and len(current_tt) != 0: tt_stats = get_tt_stats(current_tt, day_to_usage) tt_stats['num_conflicts'] = num_conflicts has_conflict = tt_stats['has_conflict'] = bool(num_conflicts) current_tt = DisplayTimetable(current_tt, has_conflict) current_tt.stats = tt_stats yield current_tt
[docs]def update_locked_sections(locked_sections, cid, locked_section, semester): """ Take cid of new course, and locked section for that course and toggle its locked status (ie if was locked, unlock and vice versa. """ section_type = Section.objects.filter(semester=semester, course=cid, meeting_section=locked_section)[0].section_type if locked_sections[cid].get(section_type, '') == locked_section: # already locked locked_sections[cid][section_type] = '' # unlock that section_type else: # add as locked section for that section_type locked_sections[cid][section_type] = locked_section
[docs]def get_xproduct_indicies(lists): """ Takes a list of lists and returns two lists of indicies needed to iterate through the cross product of the input. """ num_offerings = [] num_permutations_remaining = [1] for i in xrange(len(lists) - 1, -1, -1): length = len(lists[i]) num_offerings.insert(0, length) num_permutations_remaining.insert(0, length * num_permutations_remaining[0]) return num_offerings, num_permutations_remaining
[docs]def add_meeting_and_check_conflict(day_to_usage, new_meeting, school): """ Takes a @day_to_usage dictionary and a @new_meeting section and returns a tuple of the updated day_to_usage dict and a boolean which is True if conflict, False otherwise. """ course_offerings = new_meeting[2] new_conflicts = 0 for offering in course_offerings: day = if day != 'U': for slot in find_slots_to_fill(offering.time_start, offering.time_end, school): previous_len = max(1, len(day_to_usage[day][slot])) day_to_usage[day][slot].add(offering) new_conflicts += len(day_to_usage[day][slot]) - previous_len return new_conflicts
[docs]def find_slots_to_fill(start, end, school): """ Take a @start and @end time in the format found in the coursefinder (e.g. 9:00, 16:30), and return the indices of the slots in thet array which represents times from 8:00am to 10pm that would be filled by the given @start and @end. For example, for uoft input: '10:30', '13:00' output: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9] """ start_hour, start_minute = get_hours_minutes(start) end_hour, end_minute = get_hours_minutes(end) return range(get_time_index(start_hour, start_minute, school), get_time_index(end_hour, end_minute, school))
[docs]def get_time_index(hours, minutes, school): """Take number of hours and minutes, and return the corresponding time slot index""" # earliest possible hour is 8, so we get the number of hours past 8am return (hours - 8) * (60 / SCHOOLS_MAP[school].granularity) + minutes / SCHOOLS_MAP[school].granularity
[docs]def get_hours_minutes(time_string): """ Return tuple of two integers representing the hour and the time given a string representation of time. e.g. '14:20' -> (14, 20) """ return (get_hour_from_string_time(time_string), get_minute_from_string_time(time_string))
[docs]def get_hour_from_string_time(time_string): """Get hour as an int from time as a string.""" return int(time_string[:time_string.index(':')]) if ':' in time_string else int(time_string)
[docs]def get_minute_from_string_time(time_string): """Get minute as an int from time as a string.""" return int(time_string[time_string.index(':') + 1:] if ':' in time_string else 0)
def get_tt_stats(timetable, day_to_usage): return { 'days_with_class': get_num_days(day_to_usage), 'time_on_campus': get_avg_day_length(day_to_usage), 'num_friends': get_num_friends(timetable), 'avg_rating': get_avg_rating(timetable) }
[docs]def get_day_to_usage(custom_events, school): """Initialize day_to_usage dictionary, which has custom events blocked out.""" day_to_usage = { day: [set() for _ in range(14 * 60 / SCHOOLS_MAP[school].granularity)] for day in ['M', 'T', 'W', 'R', 'F'] } for event in custom_events: for slot in find_slots_to_fill(event['time_start'], event['time_end'], school): day_to_usage[event['day']][slot].add('custom_slot') return day_to_usage
[docs]def get_current_semesters(school): """List of semesters ordered by academic temporality. For a given school, get the possible semesters ordered by the most recent year for each semester that has course data, and return a list of (semester name, year) pairs. """ semesters = [] for year, terms in reversed(SCHOOLS_MAP[school].active_semesters.items()): for term in terms: # Ensure DB has all semesters. Semester.objects.update_or_create(name=term, year=year) semesters.append({ 'name': term, 'year': str(year) }) return semesters
# def get_old_semesters(school): # semesters = old_school_to_semesters[school] # # Ensure DB has all semesters. # for semester in semesters: # Semester.objects.update_or_create(**semester) # return semesters