Source code for parsing.library.digestor

# Copyright (C) 2017 Technologies, LLC
# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import sys
import django
import jsondiff
import simplejson as json

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

from timetable.models import Course, Section, Offering, Textbook, \
    TextbookLink, Evaluation, Semester
from parsing.models import DataUpdate
from parsing.library.utils import DotDict, make_list
from parsing.library.logger import JSONStreamWriter
from parsing.library.tracker import NullTracker
from parsing.library.exceptions import PipelineError

[docs]class DigestionError(PipelineError): """Digestor error class."""
[docs]class Digestor(object): """Digestor in data pipeline. Attributes: adapter (DigestionAdapter): Adapts cache (dict): Caches recently used Django objects to be used as foriegn keys. data (TYPE): The data to be digested. meta (dict): meta data associated with input data. MODELS (dict): mapping from object type to Django model class. school (str): School to digest. strategy (DigestionStrategy): Load and/or diff db depending on strategy tracker (parsing.library.tracker.Tracker): Description """ MODELS = { 'course': Course, 'section': Section, 'offering': Offering, 'textbook': Textbook, 'textbook_link': TextbookLink, 'evaluation': Evaluation, 'semester': Semester } def __init__(self, school, meta, tracker=NullTracker()): """Construct Digestor instance. Args: school (str): Description data (None, optional): Description output (None, optional): Description diff (bool, optional): Description load (bool, optional): Description tracker (TYPE, optional): Description """ # with open(data, 'r') as f: # data = json.load(f) self.cache = DotDict(dict( course={'code': None}, section={'code': None} )) = school self.adapter = DigestionAdapter(school, self.cache) self.meta = meta # Setup tracker for digestion and progress bar. self.tracker = tracker self.tracker.mode = 'digesting' def _resolve_strategy(self, diff, load, output=None): if diff and output is None: raise ValueError('Cannot generate diff without output') if diff and load: # Diff only return Burp(, self.meta, output) elif not diff and load: # Load db only return Absorb(, self.meta) elif diff and not load: # Load db and log diff return Vommit(output) else: # Nothing to do... raise ValueError('Nothing to run with --no-diff and --no-load.')
[docs] def digest(self, data, diff=True, load=True, output=None): """Digest data.""" = [DotDict(obj) for obj in make_list(data)] self.strategy = self._resolve_strategy(diff, load, output) do_digestion = { 'course': lambda x: self.digest_course(x), 'section': lambda x: self.digest_section(x), 'meeting': lambda x: self.digest_meeting(x), 'textbook': lambda x: self.digest_textbook(x), 'textbook_link': lambda x: self.digest_textbook_link(x), } if self.tracker.has_viewer('progressbar'): bar = self.tracker.get_viewer('progressbar').bar for obj in bar(make_list( do_digestion[obj.kind](obj) else: for obj in make_list( do_digestion[obj.kind](obj) self.wrap_up()
def _update_progress(self, key, exists): if exists: self.tracker.stats = dict(kind=key, status='total') # TODO - add more stats including newly created and the like
[docs] def digest_course(self, course): """Create course in database from info in json model. Returns: django course model object """ course_model = self.strategy.digest_course(self.adapter.adapt_course(course)) if course_model: self.cache.course = course_model for section in course.get('sections', []): self.digest_section(DotDict(section), course_model) self._update_progress('course', bool(course_model)) return course_model
[docs] def digest_section(self, section, course_model=None): """Create section in database from info in model map. Args: course_model: django course model object Keyword args: clean (boolean): removes course offerings associated with section if set Returns: django section model object """ section_model = self.strategy.digest_section( self.adapter.adapt_section(section, course_model=course_model) ) if section_model: self.cache.course = course_model self.cache.section = section_model for meeting in section.get('meetings', []): self.digest_meeting(DotDict(meeting), section_model) for textbook_link in section.get('textbooks', []): self.digest_textbook_link(DotDict(textbook_link), section_model=section_model) self._update_progress('section', bool(section_model)) return section_model
[docs] def digest_meeting(self, meeting, section_model=None): """Create offering in database from info in model map. Args: section_model: JSON course model object Return: Offerings as generator """ # NOTE: ignoring dates for now offering_models = [] for offering in self.adapter.adapt_meeting(meeting, section_model=section_model): offering_model = self.strategy.digest_offering(offering) offering_models.append(offering_model) self._update_progress('offering', bool(offering_model)) return offering_models
[docs] def digest_textbook(self, textbook): """Digest textbook. Args: textbook (dict) """ textbook_model = self.strategy.digest_textbook( self.adapter.adapt_textbook(textbook) ) self._update_progress('textbook', bool(textbook_model))
[docs] def wrap_up(self): self.strategy.wrap_up()
[docs]class DigestionAdapter(object): """Converts JSON defititions to model compliant dictionay. Attributes: cache (dict): Caches Django objects to avoid redundant queries. school (str): School code. """ def __init__(self, school, cached): """Construct DigestionAdapter instance. Args: school (str): School code. cached (dict): Cache last created course and section to avoid redundant Django calls """ = school # Cache last created course and section to avoid redundant Django calls self.cache = cached
[docs] def adapt_course(self, course): """Adapt course for digestion. Args: course (dict): course info Returns: dict: Adapted course for django object. Raises: DigestionError: course is None """ if course is None: raise DigestionError('none course') adapted = {} adapted['name'] = course.get('name', '') if 'credits' in course: adapted['num_credits'] = course.credits if 'description' in course: adapted['description'] = course.description if 'department' in course: if 'code' in course.department: adapted['department'] = course.department.code if 'name' in course.department: adapted['department'] = if 'prerequisites' in course: adapted['prerequisites'] = ', '.join(course.prerequisites) if 'corequisites' in course: adapted['corequisites'] = ', '.join(course.corequisites) if 'exclusions' in course: adapted['exclusions'] = ', '.join(course.exclusions) if 'areas' in course: adapted['areas'] = ', '.join(course.areas) if 'cores' in course: adapted['cores'] = ', '.join(course.cores) if 'geneds' in course: adapted['geneds'] = ', '.join(course.geneds) if 'level' in course: adapted['level'] = course.level # Combine pre and co requisites into one field if 'corequisites' in adapted and 'prerequisites' not in adapted: adapted['prerequisites'] = 'Co: {}'.format(adapted['corequisites']) elif 'corequisites' in adapted: adapted['prerequisites'] = 'Pre: {} Co: {}'.format( adapted['prerequisites'], adapted['corequisites'] ) for same_as in course.get('same_as', []): same_as = Course.objects.filter(, code=same_as).first() if same_as is not None: adapted['same_as'] = same_as # TODO - create double-sided relation return { 'code': course.code, 'school':, 'defaults': adapted }
[docs] def adapt_section(self, section, course_model=None): """Adapt section to Django model. Args: section (TYPE): Description course_model (None, optional): Description Returns: dict: formatted section dictionary Raises: DigestionError: Description """ if course_model is None: if (self.cache.course and section.course.code == self.cache.course.code): course_model = self.cache.course else: course_model = Course.objects.filter(, code=section.course.code ).first() if course_model is None: # TODO - run tests with different database print('course %s section not already in database'.format( section.course.code ), file=sys.stderr) adapted = {} if 'capacity' in section: adapted['size'] = section.capacity if 'enrollment' in section: # TODO - change 'enrolment' to 'enrollment' in django model adapted['enrolment'] = section.enrollment if 'waitlist' in section: adapted['waitlist'] = section.waitlist if 'waitlist_size' in section: adapted['waitlist_size'] = section.waitlist_size if 'remaining_seats' in section: pass # NOTE: possible logic conflict with other data # adapted['remaining_seats'] = section.remaining_seats section_type_map = { 'Lecture': 'L', 'Laboratory': 'P', 'Discussion': 'T', } if 'type' in section: adapted['section_type'] = section_type_map.get(section.type, 'L') if 'fees' in section: pass # TODO - add fees to database for instructor in section.get('instructors', []): instructor = DotDict(instructor) adapted.setdefault('instructors', '') if isinstance(, basestring): adapted['instructors'] += elif isinstance(, dict): adapted['instructors'] += '{} {}'.format(, else: raise DigestionError('get your instructors straight') if 'final_exam' in section: pass # TODO - add to database # Grab semester. semester, _ = Semester.objects.update_or_create(name=section.term, year=section.year) if semester is None: raise DigestionError( 'Semester {} {} not in DB'.format(section.term, section.year) ) return { 'course': course_model, 'semester': semester, 'meeting_section': section.code, 'defaults': adapted }
[docs] def adapt_meeting(self, meeting, section_model=None): """Adapt meeting to Django model. Args: meeting (TYPE): Description section_model (None, optional): Description Yields: dict Raises: DigestionError: meeting is None. """ if section_model is None: course_model = None if (self.cache.code and meeting.course.code == self.cache.course.code): course_model = self.cache.course else: course_model = Course.objects.filter(, code=meeting.course.code ).first() if course_model is None: print('no course object for {}'.format(meeting.course.code), file=sys.stderr) # raise DigestionError('no course object for meeting') if self.cache.course and course_model.code == self.cache.course.code and meeting.section.code == self.cache.section.meeting_section: section_model = self.cache.section else: section_model = Section.objects.filter( course=course_model, meeting_section=meeting.section.code, semester__name=meeting.section.term, semester__year=meeting.section.year ).first() if section_model is None: print('no section {} {} for meeting'.format( meeting.course.code, meeting.section.code ), file=sys.stderr) # raise DigestionError('no section object for meeting', meeting) # NOTE: ignoring dates for now for day in meeting.get('days', []): offering = { 'section': section_model, 'day': day, 'time_start': meeting.time.start, 'time_end': meeting.time.end, 'defaults': { 'location': meeting.get('location', {}).get('where', '') } } yield offering
[docs] def adapt_textbook(self, textbook): """Adapt textbook to model dictionary. Args: textbook (dict): validated textbook. Returns: dict: Description """ textbook = { 'isbn': textbook.isbn, 'defaults': { 'detail_url': textbook.detail_url, 'image_url': textbook.image_url, 'author':, 'title': textbook.title } } for key in textbook['defaults']: if textbook['defaults'][key] is None: textbook['defaults'][key] = 'Cannot be found' return textbook
# NOTE: no current usage of course linked textbooks (listified yield will always be length 1)
[docs]class DigestionStrategy(object): __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractmethod
[docs] def wrap_up(self): '''Do whatever needs to be done to wrap_up digestion session.'''
[docs]class Vommit(DigestionStrategy): '''Output diff between input and db data.''' def __init__(self, output): self.defaults = Vommit.get_model_defaults() self.output = output self.json_streamer = JSONStreamWriter(self.output, type_=list).enter() super(Vommit, self).__init__() def exclude(dct): return {k: v for k, v in dct.items() if k != 'defaults'} for name, model in Digestor.MODELS.items(): # if hasattr(self, 'digest_' + name): # continue def closure(name, model): def digest(self, model_params): obj = model.objects.filter( **exclude(model_params) ).first() self.diff(name, model_params, obj) return obj return digest setattr(self.__class__, 'digest_' + name, closure(name, model))
[docs] def wrap_up(self): self.json_streamer.exit()
[docs] def diff(self, kind, inmodel, dbmodel, hide_defaults=True): """Create a diff between input and existing model. Args: kind (str): kind of object to diff. inmodel (model): Description dbmodel (model): Description hide_defaults (bool, optional): hide values that are defaulted into db Returns: dict: Diff """ # Check for empty inputs if inmodel is None: return None if dbmodel is None: dbmodel = {} else: # Transform django object to dictionary. dbmodel = dbmodel.__dict__ context = {'section', 'course', 'semester', 'textbook'} whats = {} for k, v in inmodel.iteritems(): if k not in context: continue try: whats[k] = str(v) except (django.utils.encoding.DjangoUnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError): whats[k] = '<{}: [Bad Unicode data]'.format(k) # Remove db specific content from model. blacklist = context | { '_state', 'id', 'section_id', 'course_id', '_course_cache', 'semester_id', '_semester', 'vector', } def prune(d): return {k: v for k, v in d.iteritems() if k not in blacklist} dbmodel = prune(dbmodel) inmodel = prune(inmodel) if 'course' in dbmodel: dbmodel['course'] = str(dbmodel['course']) # Remove null values from dictionaries. dbmodel = {k: v for k, v in dbmodel.iteritems() if v is not None} # Move contents of default dictionary to first-level of dictionary. if 'defaults' in inmodel: defaults = inmodel['defaults'] del inmodel['defaults'] inmodel.update(defaults) # Diff the in-model and db-model diffed = json.loads(jsondiff.diff(dbmodel, inmodel, syntax='symmetric', dump=True)) # Remove db defaulted values from diff output. if hide_defaults and '$delete' in diffed: self.remove_defaulted_keys(kind, diffed['$delete']) if len(diffed['$delete']) == 0: del diffed['$delete'] # Add `what` and `context` tag to diff output. if len(diffed) > 0: if isinstance(diffed, list) and len(diffed[0]) == 0: diffed = {'$new': diffed[1]} elif isinstance(diffed, dict): diffed.update({'$what': inmodel}) diffed.update({'$context': whats}) self.json_streamer.write(diffed) return diffed
[docs] def remove_defaulted_keys(self, kind, dct): for default in self.defaults[kind]: if default in dct: del dct[default] return dct
[docs] def get_model_defaults(): models = { 'course': Course, 'section': Section, 'offering': Offering, 'textbook': Textbook, 'textbook_link': TextbookLink, 'evaluation': Evaluation } defaults = {} for model_name, model in models.items(): defaults[model_name] = {} for field in model._meta.get_all_field_names(): try: default = model._meta.get_field_by_name(field)[0].default except AttributeError: continue if default is django.db.models.fields.NOT_PROVIDED: continue defaults[model_name][field] = default return defaults
[docs]class Absorb(DigestionStrategy): """Load valid data into Django db. Attributes: meta (dict): Meta-information to use for DataUpdate object school (str) """ def __init__(self, school, meta): = school self.meta = meta Absorb._create_digest_methods() super(Absorb, self).__init__() @classmethod def _create_digest_methods(cls): for name, model in Digestor.MODELS.items(): if hasattr(cls, 'digest_' + name): continue def closure(name, model): def digest(cls, params): obj, created = cls._update_or_create(model, params) return obj return classmethod(digest) setattr(cls, 'digest_' + name, closure(name, model)) @classmethod
[docs] def digest_section(cls, parmams, clean=True): model, created = cls._update_or_create(Section, parmams) if model and clean: cls.remove_offerings(model) return model
@staticmethod def _update_or_create(model_type, model_args): try: return model_type.objects.update_or_create(**model_args) except django.db.utils.DataError as e: json_model_args = {k: str(v) for k, v in model_args.items()} raise DigestionError(json_model_args, str(e)) @staticmethod
[docs] def remove_section(section_code, course_obj): """Remove section specified from database. Args: section (dict): Description course_obj (Course): Section part of this course. """ if Section.objects.filter(course=course_obj, meeting_section=section_code).exists(): s = Section.objects.get(course=course_obj, meeting_section=section_code) s.delete()
[docs] def remove_offerings(section_obj): """Remove all offerings associated with a section. Args: section_obj (Section): Description """ Offering.objects.filter(section=section_obj).delete()
[docs] def wrap_up(self): """Update time updated for school at wrap_up of parse.""" for school, years in self.meta['$schools'].items(): for year, terms in years.items(): for term in terms: semester, created = Semester.objects.update_or_create( year=year, name=term ) if created: pass # TODO - add logging to show that semester dne update, _ = DataUpdate.objects.update_or_create(, semester=semester, update_type=DataUpdate.COURSES )
[docs]class Burp(DigestionStrategy): """Load valid data into Django db and output diff between input and db data. Attributes: absorb (Vommit): Digestion strategy. vommit (Absorb): Digestion strategy. """ def __init__(self, school, meta, output=None): self.vommit = Vommit(output) self.absorb = Absorb(school, meta) Burp._create_digest_methods() super(Burp, self).__init__() @classmethod def _create_digest_methods(cls): for name in Digestor.MODELS: if hasattr(cls, 'digest_' + name): continue def closure(name): def digest(self, params): getattr(self.vommit, 'digest_' + name)(params) return getattr(self.absorb, 'digest_' + name)(params) return digest setattr(cls, 'digest_' + name, closure(name))
[docs] def wrap_up(self): self.vommit.wrap_up() self.absorb.wrap_up()